About Us

The Sinhala Announcing Division is a unique pillar of J’pura Voice with a largest number of members. It is thus a very significant division because it renders a rather unique opportunity to develop their communication skills, compering skills, and presenting skills in Sinhala language of university undergraduates. The environment in this division creates an independent and comfortable space for all members to express themselves with improved confidence while developing and showcasing their soulful talents, leadership skills and interpersonal skills. For that mainly ‘Allusion’, ‘Announcing #101’ and ‘Bounce Up’ like projects are organized by the division right throughout the year for the members and as well as for the community who need a platform to showcase their talents.


The main objective of our division is to bring out the hidden talented voices of our very own members and to let them take over themselves to be in limelight through creativity and uniqueness while providing opportunities and improving their leadership qualities.

Not only limiting to our university, reaching the announcing field at the inter-university, national and international level is one of our other noble goals.



‘Allusion’ is the main project of the division, and it is one of the largest announcing workshop series and competitions conducted in the Sri Lankan University media field. It is annually organized by the Sinhala announcing division collaborating with English announcing division of j’pura Voice.

The Centre point of Allusion is based on the purpose of developing announcing and presenting skills through professional expertise. Allusion is a three-day series of virtual workshops and a competition for participants to develop skills needed for the announcing profession.  Workshops will be conducted, and competitions will be judged by professionals in the announcing industry. 

Announcing #101

This is a mini announcing workshop series organized once a month to serve as a fine platform for our very own members of J’pura Voice to showcase their announcing and leadership skills. Through this project while developing their capacities through professional guidance by recognizing individuals who are passionate about announcing skills, they will bring forward.

Bounce Up

Bounce Up is a series of interviews to be conducted by the Sinhala Announcing Division of J’pura Voice. The great personalities of Sri Lanka who have conquered life during many obstacles are called for these interviews. The main intention here is to provide the necessary encouragement for uplifting the lives of the viewers who are eager to win their lives. Also, by interacting with such characters, members of J’pura Voice will be able to improve the presentation skills including their communication skills.

Announcing Pool

This is a novel project to Announcing Division. The main purpose of this is developing perfectional announcing personalities in Sinhala, English and Tamil languages within the J’pura voice members. Announcing workshops and voice training sessions are used to improve the announcing skills of the selected members.

We, the Sinhala Announcing division has succeeded in securing a remarkable place within J’pura Voice through uniting the discovered talents within the university and giving them a chance to shine in these respective fields.

Stay tuned with us….