About us
“To learn a language is to have one more window from which to look at the world.”
The English Announcing Division, oldest and the heart of J’pura Voice, is the key to the doorway of the modern world which is a global village. At a time when English speaking is vital, we promote public speaking, oratory, impromptu speaking & compering skills in English & we provide a safe & friendly environment for undergraduates to improve their communication & leadership skills. One voice can change the world if it’s used wisely at the right place & right time. The English Announcing Division provides ample opportunities via projects like ‘Announcing 101’, ‘Perzona’, and ‘Allusion’ for it’s members as well as undergraduates & students to give life to the hidden speaker within them.

- To develop communication skills
- To provide leadership opportunities
- To develop oratory, impromptu speaking & compering skills of undergraduates
- To promote English speaking & Public Speaking
- To provide opportunities for undergraduates to develop their soft skills & showcase their hidden talents
- To create competent English Announcers for the society
- Mitigating stage fear
Where we stand & way forward
Currently our division’s aim is to create a pool of competent English Announcers & for that we opened an online portal to submit videos & we are currently at the stage of selecting the best out of nearly 120 applicants in total for all three languages Sinhala, English & Tamil.
Future of the Division
‘Sky’s the limit’ says many, but we are different from the rest because for us sky is just one level. We aim to reach community & school levels this term with many physical workshops mainly to promote English speaking & Public Speaking, and mitigate stage fear. If even one student learns one word in English, we will be the most humbly proud. Allusion’23 will reach beyond skies as we are planning to have the competition rounds physically. Workshop for the finalists is planned to be held physically at university premises. With these improvements & new additions our division Is planning to do wonders this term & we hope that luck will be in our favour.
“Leadership is the challenge to be something more than the average”
To know the difference between a true leader & a boss requires inspiration & experience. In order to awaken the hidden leader within our undergraduates & also outsiders, ‘Perzona’ online workshop series on Leadership was organized by the English Announcing Division. Two workshops were conducted by Mr. Sahan Ranwala & Mr. Heshana Kuruppu renowned resource personnel.

Announcing 101

“Communication isn’t a thing, it’s Everything”
Communication is the way forward in this global village that is the modern world. The way you dress, stand, greet & talk can impress an audience. One voice can change the world. To give life to this hidden voice, the English Announcing Division in collaboration with the Sinhala Announcing Division, organized ‘Announcing 101’ online workshop series on Announcing. ‘Announcing 101’ will take a new face this term as after each workshop a competition round will be held to select the best Announcer out of the members, for the month.